science-softCon uv/vis+ spectra data base;; (C) science-softCon 2016 Substance: methylisocyanat Other Names: MIC Formula: C2H3NO CAS-No.: 624-83-9 PubChem: CID 12228 Study: UV absorption spectra Authors: I. Tokue, A. Hiraya, K. Shobatake Title: Photoexcitation of CH3NCO, CH3NCS and CH3SCN in the vacuum ultraviolet: Rydberg states and photofragment emission Journal/Source: Chem. Phys., 117 (2), 315-324, (1987); Data: table, diagram Energy/Wavelength range: 110 - 210 nm Resolution: 1 nm Temperature: 298 K Temperature dependence: no Pressure/Concentration: Phase: vapor pH: Comments: Photoabsorption cross sections and fluorescence excitation spectra of CH3NCO, CH3NCS and CH3SCN vapor were measured in the vacuum ultraviolet using synchrotron radiation. Many sharp structures observed from CH3NCO and CH3SCN in the 120-180 nm region are classified into three Rydberg series and their vibrational progressions, whereas for CH3NCS six broad bands exhibit no fine structure. Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: (e-mail address):