science-softCon uv/vis spectra data base;, (C) science-softcon 2008 Substance: cyanogen bromide Other Names: bromine cyanide Formula: BrCN CAS-No.: 506-68-3 Study: photodissociation Authors: T.N. Olney, C.E. Brion, T. Ibuki Title: Absolute photoabsorption of BrCN in the valence shell and the bromine M, carbon K and nitrogen K shell regions (5 - 450 eV) Journal: Chem. Phys., 201, 505-524, (1995); doi:10.1016/0301-0104(96)81365-6 Data: (diagram, table, disk): table, diagram Energy/Wavelength range: 5 - 450 eV (~ 2.75 - 248 nm) Resolution: 0.05–0.10 eV fwhm and 1 eV fwhm Temperature: 298 K Temperature dependence: Pressure: Comments: Absolute oscillator strengths (cross sections) for photoabsorption by BrCN have been measured throughout the VUV and soft X-ray regions (5–451 eV) using dipole (e,e) spectroscopy at both high (0.05–0.10 eV fwhm) and low (1 eV fwhm) resolution. Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: (e-mail address):